It certainly feels weird to write about this now, as the event happened about 2 months ago, but I suppose its better late than never since this effort was definitely a major blip on my personal timeline. March 21 and … Continue reading

It certainly feels weird to write about this now, as the event happened about 2 months ago, but I suppose its better late than never since this effort was definitely a major blip on my personal timeline. March 21 and … Continue reading
There’s no way I will be able to relay in words exactly what effect this 10-week-long experience of living and working in Amsterdam has had on my life. All I know is that the impact my time in this city … Continue reading
As I begin writing these words I am laying in the bed I slept in most of my childhood growing up in Chicago. I am currently at home in Oak Park for a few days after having left Miami after … Continue reading
During my winter recess from Miami Ad School I drove from Miami through New Orleans to visit my girlfriend, and then up to Chicago for the holidays with my family. Something about being on the road, seeing multiple skylines and … Continue reading
What can I say about Lollapalooza that hasn’t already been said? I have attended dozens of different festivals in the past few years, all quite special in their own right. Some of these experiences have been better than others, but … Continue reading
Once upon a time (last March) my New Orleans family threw a party called Buku Music and Art Project. We had enlisted the help of the talented and experienced minds of MCP Presents to help us promote and run the … Continue reading
DPA recently worked with a long-time client and friend to create an awesome space to celebrate her daughter’s 13th birthday and Bat Mitzvah. The two of them ended up perusing this blog and the coverage of the Bomb Threat parties … Continue reading
This is a painting I gave my dad for his christmas present. While working on the VMX Mural Sculpture I met Australian stencilist Damien Mitchell. After the project, he left the stencil he used on the sculpture with me, and … Continue reading