It certainly feels weird to write about this now, as the event happened about 2 months ago, but I suppose its better late than never since this effort was definitely a major blip on my personal timeline. March 21 and … Continue reading

It certainly feels weird to write about this now, as the event happened about 2 months ago, but I suppose its better late than never since this effort was definitely a major blip on my personal timeline. March 21 and … Continue reading
(Quick disclaimer: I am neither a participant or accessory in painting freight trains. These photos and words come from the viewpoint of an outside observer.) At the mentions of freight trains and railroads, the minds of the general public will … Continue reading
I’ve been keeping myself busy these past few months with Ad School projects, freelance and general adventuring. I completed my 2nd quarter at Miami Ad School, spanning the months of January through March, and then enjoyed a nice spring break … Continue reading
When March rolls around in New Orleans, it means a few things: 1. Saint Patty’s Day shenanigans 2. The beginning of festival season, and more specifically 3. Buku Music and Art Project. In its sophmore year, Buku has done much … Continue reading
When I originally found out that I was accepted at Miami Ad School, and had wrapped my mind around the fact that I was moving to Miami, one of the first thoughts that entered my head was “I hope I … Continue reading
It has been too long since I have updated this blog! My life has been consumed by Miami Ad School and my new adventure in South Florida. So much has been happening that it has been hard to find time … Continue reading
DPA recently worked with a long-time client and friend to create an awesome space to celebrate her daughter’s 13th birthday and Bat Mitzvah. The two of them ended up perusing this blog and the coverage of the Bomb Threat parties … Continue reading
… Where to begin… This festival slowly permeated every layer of my life since I was first told it was happening about 4 and a half months ago. Having worked with Winter Circle Productions for about 2 years, I had … Continue reading
The affectionately dubbed “Brickyard Boxes” are a set of large shipping containers that sit in a mostly empty lot in the Bywater, New Orleans and run up against the parking lot of the newly developed Ricemill Condos. Friend and nationally … Continue reading
A few months ago in October, Regional and National street artists descended upon a warehouse in Central City New Orleans to create a colorful atmosphere for a graffiti art show/party called Bomb Threat (see my initial post here). Late this … Continue reading
This Halloween at the Voodoo Music Experience in New Orleans City Park I had the extreme pleasure of organizing and creating a mural sculpture instillation for the festival. I was rather elated when I found out we would be given … Continue reading